Contact Us

Job postings and E-blast

Job opportunities can be emailed to TSGC membership and posted to the TSGC website for up to 90 days. A fee of $30 is required, and payment must be received before communications are sent. Email for more information regarding payment options.

Student Research Survey e-blast

Students currently enrolled in Genetic Counseling Training Programs may have their research survey emailed to TSGC membership without a fee. In order for TSGC to distribute your survey, you must incorporate a consent statement (or notice of exemption from ethical review from an IRB) and contact information for the researcher(s) in the survey. Email for more information.

other inquiries

Complete the form below to submit your question or comment to TSGC. TSGC members are happy to provide information to groups such as students, medical professionals, support groups, the media or simply individuals interested in genetic counseling.